Social Media Policies
Social Media Policies for COLOR by HBL
Social media has changed the way we communicate, both at work and in our personal lives. COLOR by HBL has established these guidelines for appropriate use of social media, including but not limited to:
Networking sites (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram)
Video and photo sharing sites (i.e. Flickr, YouTube)
Messaging platforms (i.e. Messenger, WhatsApp)
Blogs, wikis, online forums and message boards
While engaging on any of these platforms the following guidelines apply:
Be respectful of others, practice common courtesy
No hate speech or name calling
No self/business promotions are allowed outside of our own
No posting of someone else's copyrighted work unless you have permission
Posts submitted to COLOR by HBL’s Social Media Sites can and may be used for any purpose we deem, including commercial interests
Keep confidential information private (do not post personal, identifying, or confidential information such as yours or anyone else’s account number, address, phone number, email address, or social security number)
We are not responsible for views expressed other than our own
COLOR by HBL’s social media sites are moderated by our staff and contracted employees. We will make every attempt to respond in a timely manner; however, we cannot guarantee that we'll reply to every comment.
COLOR by HBL recognizes and acknowledges that social media websites and apps are a space of open dialogue. While we encourage lively feedback, we also ask the discussions stay on topic. Any post or comment that violates our guidelines will be deleted. We also reserve the right to delete negative comments as it pertains to our brand and/or our competitors.
For any customer service related questions, please email us at
For more information on Facebook's general community standards please check out this link: